Natalie Lawyer Chick: A Channel Driven by a Lifelong Passion for Justice

Welcome to Courtroom Confidential Conversations! In this episode, Joshua Ritter sits down with Natalie Whittingham Burrell, a criminal defense lawyer and public defender who has made her mark in the true crime world with her YouTube channel, ‪@natalielawyerchick‬!

  • Natalie reflects on her path to becoming a lawyer, the inspiration behind her work in the public defender’s office, and how her passion for justice has only strengthened throughout her career.

    Learn about what inspired her to revive an old YouTube channel—once focused on beauty content—and transform it into a platform where she dissects high-profile cases with clarity and precision, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the stories dominating the headlines.

🚨Courtroom Confidential is now available as a podcast on all major streaming platforms! Check it out!


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